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G35 Sambucus nigra (Black elder) – Buds Gemmotherapy Remedy Organic


Key notes: Immune stimulating Antiviral Antibacterial Diaphoretic Antioxidant Antispasmodic Therapeutic actions: Sambucus nigra (Elder tree or Black elder buds) is widespread in nature. It is a plant of organic overload (excess weight, of non metabolised toxins), it is therefore recommended for obesity, and promotes the elimination of accumulated toxins in the body and helps with constipation. It also has diuretic properties and is useful...

G70 Abies alba Gemmotherapy Silver fir – Young shoots


Key notes: Used in pediatrics Bone growth issues: helps fix calcium to the bone; helps to increase osteoblastic activity Upper respiratory infections Anemia Clinical indications: Relieves backaches, osteomyelitis, osteochondritis, and vertebral epiphysitis. Helps consolidate fractures (osteoblastic action), for which it facilitates the formation of bone callus. It is indicated for children growing too rapidly, for slim, tall people of phosphoric...

G25 Propolis Spray Buccal Organic 15 ml


Ingredients Each spray contains: Propolis* (Apis mellifera, secretion) .....................................................................89.7 mcl(1:3.738, QCE 24 mg) Echinacea* (Echinacea purpurea, herb top)………………………………........................ 13.4 mcl(1:7.976, QCE 1.68 mg European alder* (Alnus glutinosa, buds)…………………………….......................……….. 2.7 mcl(1:20, QCE 0.135 mg) Non-medicinal ingredients: Glycerin*, lemon peel essential oil*, orange essential oil*, clove essential oil*, Cymbopogon Citratus extract*, cassia essential oil*, peppermint essential oil*. *Organic certification by BE-BIO-01 Certisys – Agriculture EU/non...

G57 Citrus Limonum Herbalgem ( Increase blood flow), 50ml


Key notes: Complementary synergistic remedy increasing the potency action of other remedies To increase blood flow quickly Very short effect, repeat frequently for best effects Therapeutic actions: Citrus limonum acts as a blood fluidifier; it regulates the blood coagulation mechanism and is a true alternative to aspirin, without posing the risk of ulcer formation as in allopathic aspirin. Indicated when there...

G94 RI-GEM Respiratory & Allergic Complex Gemmotherapy remedy, 50ml


Description Respiratory & Allergic Complex European name: RINALGEMPrevious name in Canada: G94 RINALGEM Key notes: Inflammation of the ENT sphere: acute allergic reactions of the upper respiratory tract mucosa, ENT drainage. Allergic rhinitis: runny nose, sinus congestion, nasal congestion, eye redness with or without associated conjunctivitis, respiratory mucous due to bronchitis. Synergistic action: Fumitory MT: antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, hepatobiliary regulation, cleansing action. Ribes nigrum: endocrine balancer and...

G93 Lonicera nigra Gemmotherapy remedy Organic Honeysuckle Young shoots 50 ml


Description Keynotes: Antispasmodic Anti-inflammatory Restores liver function Active in upper respiratory tract infections (bronchial decongestant and expectorant, sedative of cough, antispasmodic). Therapeutic actions: Several authors recommend it in dropsy, gout, liver enlargement. Chomel indicates it in a sore throat and as vulnerary. The flowers of Honeysuckle are sedative, antispasmodic, once used in cough, asthma, palpitations. It restores liver function in cases of hepatomegaly, jaundice (associated to Box and Holly) and...

G89 Vinca minor, Gemmotherapy, Common periwinkle Young shoots, 50ml


Description Key notes: Cerebrovascular symptoms (acts effectively on cerebral circulation and stimulates the electrical activity of the brain) Revitalizes the whole cerebral metabolism (useful in prevention) Problems from the circulatory origin (premature and sudden deafness) Antispasmodic (and circulatory) Major plant recommended in geriatrics Therapeutic actions: Periwinkle is a forgotten medicinal plant, its Latin name Vinca gives us precious indications about...

G79 Betula verrucosa Gemmotherapy remedy Organic Silver birch Buds, 50ml


Description Keynotes: Considered a pediatric remedy, not as strong as Betula pubescens, tonic for children and adolescents Primarily used for growth and regeneration of organs and bones in particular (increases osteoblastic activity) through remineralization Liver and kidney drainage Inflammation modulating Tissue regeneration Immune system modulation (treats acute cases better than chronic, where you would use Betula pubescens) Clinical indications: Juvenile...

G74 Ampelopsis veitchii, Gemmotherapy, Organic, Virginia creeper Young shoots


Description Key notes: Repair and regeneration for joints – ligaments, tendons, cartilage Ampelopsis veitchii is the glue Therapeutic actions: Ampelopsis veitchii is a great remedy for fibrous tissues, recommended in inflammatory or degenerative joint pathologies for ligaments, tendons and cartilages. Anti-inflammatory and anti-sclerotic properties. Regenerative properties of connective tissues. Use when fibrosis is associated with sclerosis and retraction when there are local fibrous...

G73 Tamarix gallica, Bone marrow production, Gemmotherapy, 50ml


Description Key notes: Stimulates bone marrow production; erythropoesis, leukopoesis, thrombopoiesis Hypercoagulant – increases blood clotting Therapeutic actions: Tamarix gallica is a bone marrow stimulant; it stimulates erythropoiesis, leucopoiesis, and thrombopoiesis. Tamarisk young shoots that activate the metabolism of iron since it stimulates the formation of red blood cells. Acts as a total hypercoagulant – increases blood clotting, recommended in hypocoagulation. Tamarisk activates iron and cholesterol metabolites, correcting...

G71 Prunus amygdalus Gemmotherapy, Organic, Sweet almond Buds, 50ml


Key notes: Affinity for the cardiovascular (CV) system Specific for hypertriglyceridemia Antisclerotic and antithrombotic; arteriosclerosis in the elderly and for nephritic conditions Stimulating effect on the immune system Therapeutic actions: Affinity for the cardiovascular (CV) system (useful circulatory remedy in hypercoagulation phenomena) Specific for hypertriglyceridemia. Almond milk, well known in cosmetics, allows the emulsifying of greasy substances. This analogy is reflected in...

G69 Sorbus domestica, Gemmotherapy, Organic, Service-tree Buds, 50ml


Description Keynotes: Venous problems; regulator of venous circulation, moves congestion, decreases serum viscosity, tones venous walls Lymph drainage Therapeutic actions: The eatable fruits (service- or sorb-apple) are used for making various drinks. The glycerine macerate has a very pleasant flavor, close to bitter almond or “Amaretto” liquor. Sorbus domestica is a remarkable venous detoxifier, used for pathologies caused by hyperviscosity of the blood and...

G67 Rosmarinus officinalis Gemmotherapy Organic, Herbalgem


Description Key notes: Liver/gallbladder drainage; antispasmodic on the gallbladder, hepatoprotective, tonic and stimulant, cholagogue and cholerectic Balances nervous system (NS) equilibrium; improves memory Therapeutic actions: Antioxidant properties (general detoxication): Rosmarinus officinalis glycerine macerate can also better trap free radicals than the whole plant. It is probable (but experimental confirmation is needed) that other macerates would also have such antioxidant properties, namely Ribes nigrum...

G66 Rubus idaeus (Raspberry) Gemmotherapy remedy Organic


Key notes: For women, related to reproductive organs in the pelvic region Antispasmodic Uterine tonic / reproductive tonic Hormonal regulation, specifically ovarian function; puberty, childbearing years, menopause Therapeutic actions: Rubus idaeus helps to provide relief from menstrual problems, while harmonising hormone imbalance. It contributes to the well-being of women throughout the month. Main remedy for women, related to reproductive organs in...

G54 Equisetum arvense, Horsetail Young shoots, 50ml


Description: Gemmotherapy, Horsetail Young shoots, 50ml Keynotes: Urinary/genital – powerful diuretic, does not spare potassium Astringent, for bleeding and leucorrhea Musculoskeletal – Bone, ligaments/tendons, cartilage, connective tissue Skin – collagen Therapeutic actions: Equisetum arvense is a plant with astringent properties and is recommended as a remedy to stop bleeding. The plant’s mineralising actions in healing bones and strengthening connective tissue are thought to be due to silicic acid....

G40 Malus sylvestris, Gemmotherapy, Organic


Description Keynotes: Antioxidant Restores peristaltic action to the colon Detoxifies the blood and lymph Prevents neurodegeneration Malic acid helps break down gallstones Therapeutic actions: Restores the peristaltic action to the colon. Detoxifies the blood & lymphatic system. Prevents neurodegeneration. Stimulates the brain through increased circulation and oxygenation. Useful in fighting dependencies (cigarette smoking). Helps to break down gallstones (Malic acid). Anti-inflammatory;...

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