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Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a vermifuge in helping the body eliminate worm infestations of the bowel. Description Mode of action: BLACK WALNUT (Juglans nigra) – Family: Juglandaceae Amongst the vermifuge plants, Juglans nigra is the best known. It is a fungicide, parasiticidal and vermifuge. It can eliminate intestinal parasites of all kinds. ELECAMPANE (Inula helenium) – Family: Asteraceae Amongst the numerous qualities of this plant, those...
DESCRIPTION Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to relieve minor inflammation of the oral mucosa or throat such as sore throat, gingivitis, aphthous ulcers (canker sores), laryngitis and tonsillitis. Ingredients (organic) fresh plants / Each 0.5 ml contains: Echinacea (root) (1:2)…………………… 105 mg Balsam poplar (bud) (1:2)…………………… 30 mg Marshmallow (root) (1:2)…………………… 30 mg Thyme (leaf) (1:2)…………………… 21 mg Sage...
Used in Traditional Medicine to help relieve nervousness and as a mild sedative sleep aid (in cases of restlessness or insomnia linked to mental stress). Ingredients (organic) fresh plant 500 mg/ml contains: Oats (Avena sativa) (young milky seed) (1:2)………………………………………. 112 mg Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) (leaf) (1:2)………………………………………….. 105 mg Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) (herb top) (1:2)……………………………….. 99 mg Skullcap (Scutellaria Officinalis) (herb top) (1:2)…………………………………. 93 mg California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) (herb...
Used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve the urologic symptoms (e.g. weak urine flow, incomplete voiding, frequent daytime and night time urination) associated with mild to moderate benign prostatic hyperplasia. Description Mode of action: SAW PALMETTO (Serenoa repens) – Family: ArecaceaeSaw palmetto is mainly used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It is also used as a mild diuretic; to treat chronic and...
Rhodiola helps to support cognitive functions such as mental focus and mental stamina or to reduce mental fatigue in cases of mental stress, help temporarily relieve symptoms of stress (such as mental fatigue and sensation of weakness). Ashwagandha is traditionally used in Ayurveda to improve memory and cognitive stimulation.DescriptionMode of action:RHODIOLA (Rhodiola rosea) – Family: CrassulaceaeAdaptogen, helps increase resistance to stress, antidepressant, nervine...
Helps relieve pain associated with mild acute otitis media. Used in Western herbalism to relieve earaches. Helps soften earwax. Mode of action: GARLIC (Allium sativum) - Family: Alliaceae Its action is widely used in traditional medicine worldwide. Garlic has a wide spectrum antimicrobial activity. The results have clearly been demonstrated both for internal and external use. This is an ancient remedy used for...
DESCRIPTION Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve inflammation, skin irritation, itching due to rashes such as eczema, hives, psoriasis, insect bites and other minor skin conditions and to help the healing of minor wounds such as cracks, abrasions and chapping. INGREDIENTS Organic fresh plants: Calendula (Calendula officinalis flower) ..... 18% Chickweed (Stellaria media herb top) ..... 14% Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis root and leaf) ..... 12%...
DESCRIPTION The Ginkgo and Ginger are used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve vertigo and motion sickness. Ginger and Black Horehound are traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve nausea, vomiting and help digestion. Organic extract Mode of action: GINKGO (Ginkgo biloba) - Family: Ginkgoaceae Stimulates peripheral and cerebral circulation, helps with balance, reduces dizziness and lightheadedness. Ginkgo can correct balance disorders,...
DESCRIPTION Used in Herbal Medicine as an adaptogen to help increase energy and resistance to stress (e.g. in case of mental and physical fatigue related to stress). Organic extract Mode of action: LICORICE (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - Family: Fabaceae This excellent herb supports the adrenals, reducing stress and exhaustion. ASHWAGANDHA (Withania somnifera) - Family: Solanaceae Ashwagandha is revered as a non-specific tonic and adaptogen. Adaptogens are important...
DESCRIPTION Figwort is traditionally used in herbal medicine to relieve the symptoms of chronic skin diseases, eczema, psoriasis, pruritus and as an analgesic. Burdock is traditionally used in herbal medicine as an alterative (blood purifier) to help eliminate toxins through the kidneys, skin, mucous membranes and as a tonic for the lymphatic circulation and to help relieve the pain associated...
DESCRIPTION Used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve premenstrual symptoms and as a hormone normalizer to help stabilize menstrual cycle irregularities. Skullcap, black cohosh, lemon balm, artichoke and feverfew are traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve the pain associated with menstruation, to help relieve digestive disorders and to help relieve headaches. Organic extract Mode of action: VITEX (Vitex agnus-castus) -...
DESCRIPTION Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a diuretic to help relieve the symptoms of minor ailments of the urinary tract (e.g. benign infections). Fresh organic extract Mode of action: GOLDENROD (Solidago canadensis) - Family: Asteraceae Amongst its main properties this plant is: anticatarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diaphoretic/carminative, diuretic/diaphoretic, antiuric, aromatic stimulant, astringent. Solidago canadensis is the plant mostly often used by herbologists for all types...
DESCRIPTION Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as an analgesic to help relieve headaches, help digestion and relieve flatulent dyspepsia. Fresh organic extract Mode of action: FEVERFEW (Tanacetum parthenium) - Family: Asteraceae The parthenolide contained in this plant slows down the secretion of serotonin, which is supposed to cause migraines. Tanacetum parthenium can prevent and treat migraine headaches, particularly if taken at the first sign of...
DESCRIPTION Traditionally used to aid digestion, relieve digestive disorders, bloating, flatulent dyspepsia (flatulence, colic) and to help expel intestinal gas (carminative). Fresh organic extract Mode of action: PEPPERMINT (Mentha piperita) - Family: Lamiaceae Mentha piperita is the best known digestive plant. It antispasmodic action on the colon (it relaxes the intestinal muscles) helping to soothe cramping pains and colic associated with gas, constipation or diarrhea....
DESCRIPTION Supportive therapy to treat and reduce the duration of upper respiratory tract infections. Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as an expectorant to help relieve coughs associated with upper respiratory tract infections, such as cold, flu and bronchitis. Fresh organic extract Mode of action: ECHINACEA (Echinacea purpurea) - Family: Asteraceae Stimulates the immune system during bacterial or viral infections such as the cold/flu...
DESCRIPTION Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to help maintain peripheral circulation (fingers and toes) Raynaud's disease and to help support cardiovascular health in adults. Organic extract of: Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) Mode of action: HAWTHORN (Crataegus monogyna) - Family: Rosaceae Cardiac tonic, vasodilator, hypotensive, sedative, nutritive, antiarrhythmic, spasmolytic and anti-oxidant. GINGER (Zingiber officinale) - Family: Zingiberaceae Stimulates...