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G46 Sequoia gigantea, Gemmotherapy, Organic Giant redwood Young shoots




  • Antisenescence to males (jing tonic); 17 ketosteroid precursor, improving neuro-sexual functional syndromes
  • Osteopenia and osteoporosis; increase osteoblastic activity and is a precursor to estrogen
  • Adrenal tonic; use lower doses for women

Therapeutic actions:

Sequoia gigantea therapeutic activity focuses both on the osteoarticular and nervous systems.

Its main site of action is on the glandular and nervous systems.

Adrenal tonic (use lower doses for women).

Efficient anti senescent in the elderly, acting on a geriatric plane increasing the physical and moral force.

It is a sexual tonic – male rejuvenator (reequilibrate spermatogenesis – a precursor for the 17-ketosteroids), it stimulates immunity and delays aging both at the sexual level and in general.

By its endocrine mobilization it has a tonic action at the intellectual level (aged brain) and an overall eutrophic action (relative to a good nutrition performance, in a normal state).

It is a mental and general tonifying remedy, acting slowly but in-depth; it needs to be taken for some time to see permanent effects.

Sequoia gigantea acts as a powerful hepatic drainer, useful for a congested liver.

Musculoskeletal: Stimulates the metabolism of the osteoblasts, enhancing mineralization and creating a better quality bone tissue.

Clinical indications:

Musculoskeletal: Sequoia gigantea is a useful complement for women and men in cases of osteoporosis /osteopenia. Through the stimulation of the osteoblastic activity, it works on brittle bone disease (osteogenesis imperfecta, Porak and Durante disease, Lobstein disease, sclerotic blue illness). Responsible for spontaneous fractures. It consolidates fractures by ensuring better mineralization and a better vitality of the bone thread. It also contributes to making tendons and ligaments flexible.

Uro-genital: Sequoia gigantea is also a prostate (adenoma) remedy. It rebalances the prostate thus assuring an appreciable urinary comfort. Chronic prostatitis. Prostate hypertrophy & adenoma (improves urinary comfort by decongesting and shrinking the prostate) but not for prostate cancer.

Sequoia gigantea works on spermatogenesis (stimulates) and on neurosexual functional syndromes. It is logical to think that it constitutes an exceptional body tonic, for women as well as for men.

Other: Uterine fibroids, dysmenorrhoea.

Consider in combination with:

Rosmarinus officinalis, for liver drainage

Secale cereale, to lower PSA

Quercus robur, Betula pubescens, male senescence

Ribes nigrum, prostatitis

Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Rubus fructicosus, osteoporosis

Ribes nigrum, Rubus fructicosus, Alnus incana, uterine fibroids

Olea europaea, Alnus glutinosa, arteriosclerosis

Clinical experience:

Avoid taking in the evening because it can delay, even hinder, falling asleep.

Pregnant women should avoid taking bud extracts with hormonal action like Quercus robur (Oak), Rubus idaeus (Raspberry), Sequoia gigantea (Giant redwood), Vaccinium vitis-idaea (Cowberry).

Often administered in lower doses for women.

HerbalGem gemmo complex that contains Sequoia gigantea:

G13 OST-GEM (bone complex)

G16 TONIGEM (tonic complex – helps boost the energy level)

Gemmotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that uses buds and young shoots of trees and shrubs. Gathered in the spring at a key stage of their natural growth cycle, buds and young shoots are freshly handpicked and put in maceration in a solution of water, alcohol, and glycerin to extract all their active principles.

Ingredients | Each drop contains:

Sequoia gigantea* …………………………….....................................................................………….. 0.05 ml
(Giant redwood young shoots) (extract 1:20, QCE 2.5 mg)

Non-medicinal ingredients: glycerin* (vegetal), alcohol*, purified water.

*Organic certification by Certisys-BE1


Adults and children > 12 years take 5-15 drops daily, between meals, pure or diluted in water, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.

Consult a healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen.
Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding unless directed by a healthcare practitioner.
Keep out of reach of children.
Do not use if the safety seal is broken.
Keep in a cool, dry place.

NPN 80011233