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G6 CH-GEM, Cholesterol complex, Gemmotherapy, 30ml


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Cholesterol complex

European name: CHOLESTEGEM
Previous name in Canada: G6 CHO-GEM

Key notes:

Controls your cholesterol. It helps to balance the lipid profile by stabilising the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL) and reducing that of “bad” cholesterol (LDL). Its efficiency can still be increased by taking it with carnitine, which will act in synergy to burn undesirable fats.

Synergistic action:

Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary young shoots). The young shoots of rosemary normalise the blood sedimentation rate, capture free radicals and increase the level of red blood cells. Rosemary extract detoxifies the body, lowers triglycerides, urea, uric acid and cholesterol and restores the mineral and ionic balance.

Betula PUBESCENS (White birch buds) stimulate every catabolism; they activate the diuresis and the elimination of organic wastes such as uric acid and cholesterol. The birch extract is a general drainer for the liver (anti-toxic).

Tilia tomentosa (Linden-tree buds) contributes to the detoxification of the body, mainly of cholesterol and uric acid, which softens gout and promotes weight loss. They also help to make blood more fluid.

Olea europaea (Olive young shoots): the young shoots of the olive tree, because of their effect on the blood, are recommended for atherosclerosis and cerebral arteriosclerosis (without thrombosis). Great remedy for blood circulation, Olea europaea extract reduces the total fats and cholesterol (which it destroys), balances the phospholipids and makes “thick blood” more fluid. It is an excellent remedy that is complementary to Rosmarinus officinalis.

Prunus amygdalus (Sweet almond buds): have the property of lowering blood triglycerides and play an important role in hyperlipidemia and thrombophilia, especially for ageing people. It improves blood circulation and is thus useful in hypercoagulation phenomena in people with blood that is “too thick”. An excellent bud with action complementary to the one of Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary).

…and 2 essential oils:

Peppermint oil is well known for softening the fire element (PITA) and shows thus a cooling effect traditionally used for food. Its contribution in this complex is an energetic dispersion of internal heat excess (cholesterol) and a digestion-enhancing function by activation of bile, liver and pancreas functions.

Rosemary oil has at the same time a circulatory and hepatic function which are good complements to the action of rosemary mother macerate. This oil has a cholesterolitic action, supports hepatic regeneration and allows a better biliary fluidity, preventing gallstones (cholesterol) at the same time. It regulates the general hepatobiliary function and acts in dyslipemia (hypertriglyceridaemia).


Removes fatty substances (including saturated fatty acids) from the vessels.

Stabilises the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL).

Reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol (LDL).

Helps to balance the lipid profile.

Recommendations for use:

Take the drops before meals, pure or diluted in water.

Adults and children > 12 years: 5-15 drops daily before the main meals.

Gemmotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that uses buds and young shoots of trees and shrubs. Gathered in the spring at a key stage of their natural growth cycle, buds and young shoots are freshly handpicked and put in maceration in a solution of water, alcohol and glycerin to extract all their active principles.

HerbalGem’s complexes are a combination of carefully selected single bud and young shoot extracts, acting in synergy to target a specific health problem.

Ingredients | Each drop contains:

Rosmarinus officinalis* (Rosemary – young shoots) (1:20, QCE 1.96 mg) … 0.039 mL

Betula pubescens* (White birch – buds) (1:20, QCE 0.49 mg) … 0.01 mL

Tilia tomentosa* (Linden tree – buds) (1:20, QCE 0.03 mg) … 0.001 mL

Olea europaea* (Olive – young shoots) (1:20, QCE 0.02 mg) … 0.0003 mL

Prunus amygdalus* (Almond – buds) (1:20, QCE 0.01 mg) … 0.0001 mL

Non-medicinal ingredients: glycerin* (vegetal), alcohol*, purified water, peppermint oil, rosemary oil.

*Organic certification by Certisys-BE-BIO-01


Adults 18 years and older 5-15 drops daily, take as directed by a healthcare practitioner.


Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen.

Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Do not use if safety seal is broken.

Keep in a cool, dry place.