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G4 CO-GEM, Healthy blood pressure complex, Herbalgem


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Circulation & healthy blood pressure complex

European name: CORDIAGEM
Previous name in Canada: G4 COR-GEM

Key notes:

Is ideal to obtain healthy circulation and an optimal blood pressure. It can be taken preventively and during long periods.

Synergistic action:

Crataegus oxyacantha (Hawthorn buds) is traditionally used for heart problems and concentrates all virtues of the tree: it has at the same time the properties of the flowers (regulating heartbeat, relieving palpitations) and those of the fruits (maintaining the vitality of the heart muscle).

Viscum album (Mistletoe young shoots) was widely used by our ancestors to treat problems of blood pressure and untimely spasms at heart level. Under the form of concentrated mother macerate, mistletoe prevents sclerosis and cardiovascular ageing.


Helps to regulate the heartbeat

Improves blood flow.

Prevents and dissolves cholesterol deposits.

Beneficial for heart and blood vessel function.

Recommendations for use:

Take the drops before meals, pure or diluted in water. For optimum results, put them directly on the tongue and wait for a few seconds before swallowing.

Adults and children > 12 years: 5-15 drops daily around noon before the meal, pure (hold those 20 seconds on the tongue) or diluted in a little bit of water. Start with a low dose and gradually increase until achieving the desired effect.

Use with caution when on cardiac medication, especially Digitalis/Digoxin.

Gemmotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that uses buds and young shoots of trees and shrubs. Gathered in the spring at a key stage of their natural growth cycle, buds and young shoots are freshly handpicked and put in maceration in a solution of water, alcohol and glycerin to extract all their active principles.

HerbalGem’s complexes are a combination of carefully selected single bud and young shoot extracts, acting in synergy to target a specific health problem.

Ingredients | Each drop contains:

Viscum album* (Mistletoe – young shoots) (1:20, QCE 1.25 mg) … 0.025 mL

Crataegus oxyacantha* (Hawthorn – buds) (1:20, QCE 1.25 mg) … 0.025 mL

Non-medicinal ingredients: glycerin* (vegetal), alcohol*, garlic*, purified water.

*Organic certification by Certisys-BE-BIO-01


Adults and children > 12 years take 5-15 drops daily, between meals, pure or diluted in water, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.


Consult a healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen.

Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding unless directed by a healthcare practitioner.

Keep out of reach of children.

Do not use if safety seal is broken.

Keep in a cool, dry place.