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Key notes:

  • Chronic hypo-immune post inflammatory syndrome.

  • Remedy for scleroderma-amyloidosis

  • Acts in recurrent and prolonged suppuration disease

Therapeutic actions:

The presence of tannins explains certain anti-infectious properties notably the antioxidant properties of arbutin, hydroquinone (also present in Bearberry). It contains flavonoids such as quercetin, which could explain its sedative virtues. Duke mentioned it for cancer, which seems to be confirmed in some publications. The composition of young shoots is not yet studied.

Therapeutic actions:

What characterizes Calluna vulgaris (Heather) is the chronic hypo-immune post-inflammatory syndrome.

It is the remedy for scleroderma-amyloidosis, when tissues evolve from hyalinosis toward amyloidosis.

Heather is active in all conditions of amyloid degeneration (brain, liver, kidney, spleen, intestinal mucosa, endocrine glands) and returns the patient to the previous stage of hyalinosis.

It acts in recurrent and prolonged suppuration diseases: chronic osteomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but especially in various urinary infection and inflammation: acute cystitis, chronic or recurrent (including male cystitis), chronic pyelonephritis, colibacillosis (even chronic), acute and chronic prostatitis, urethritis.

For the gynecological sphere, this is a good adjuvant in leucorrhea, vaginitis and vulvovaginitis.

For the digestive system, it is indicated in splenitis and splenomegaly.

It is a remedy of nephroamyloidosis and, with Juniper communis (Juniper), kidney stones and renal oxalo-acetate lithiasis.

Clinical indications:

Uro-genital system: Colibacillosis (even chronic), diverse urinary tract infections (acute, chronic or recurrent cystitis), prostatitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis.

Articular system: Ankylosing spondylitis, chronic osteomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic gout.

Digestive system: Cholecysto-cardiac syndrome, hepatitis, hepatomegaly, jaundice, splenitis, splenomegaly.

Consider in combination with:

Calluna vulgaris + Juniperus communis = nephroamylosis, oxalo-calcic renal lithiasis, vesicular lithiasis.

HerbalGem gemmo complex that contains Calluna vulgaris:


Gemmotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that uses buds and young shoots of trees and shrubs. Gathered in the spring at a key stage of their natural growth cycle, buds and young shoots are freshly handpicked and put in maceration in a solution of water, alcohol and glycerin to extract all their active principles.

Ingredients | Each drop contains:

Calluna vulgaris* ……………………………… 0.05 ml
(Heather young shoots) (extract 1:20, QCE 2.5 mg)

Non-medicinal ingredients: glycerin* (vegetal), alcohol*, purified water.

*Organic certification by Certisys-BE1


Adults and children > 12 years take 5-15 drops daily, between meals, pure or diluted in water, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.


Consult a healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen.

Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding unless directed by a healthcare practitioner.

Keep out of reach of children.

Do not use if the safety seal is broken.

Keep in a cool, dry place.

NPN: 80032550