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Skullcap, Fresh organic extract 50 ml


Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to help sleep (restlessness or insomnia due to stress), to relieve nervousness and pain associated with menstruation.

Fresh organic extract 50 ml

SKULLCAP (Scutellaria laterifolia) – Family: Lamiaceae
Plant that soothes and calms the nervous system during periods of intense stress and anguish, while diminishing trembling tendencies. Coupled with the other sedative plants , skullcap has a synergistic and sedative effect, and promotes a calmer sleep.



  • Tranquilizer
  • Relaxant and restorative for the nervous system
  • Sedative
  • Antispasmodic

Medicinal ingredient:

Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) organic fresh herb top 1:2 500 mg/ml.

Non-medicinal ingredients: 50% organic ethyl alcohol.

*Certified organic by Ecocert Canada


Adults: 15 drops in a little water 2-4 times daily.


Sleep aid: Consult a health care practitioner if sleeplessness persists beyond 3 weeks (chronic insomnia) or if symptoms persist or worsen.

Consumption skullcap associated with alcohol or other drug or natural health products with sedative properties is not recommended.


Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Known adverse reactions:

Some people may feel drowsiness.

Use caution if operating heavy machinery, driving a motor vehicle or involved in activities requiring mental alertness.