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G27 MI-GEM, migraines, Gemmotherapy 50 ml


Cerebral circulation complex

European name: MIDOGEM COMFORT
Previous name in Canada: G27 MIDOGEM COMFORT

Key notes:

For migraines occurring immediately after the typical warning signs and precursors, or after an aura, localised pain (with or without aura), or due to an allergic reaction. Also for use in treatment-resistant migraines. G27 MI-GEM COMFORT is recommended in all cases of widespread pain, where it speeds up the return to normalcy and helps prevent further attacks. Its primary actions involve emotional recalibration (limbic system), hormonal rebalancing (catamenial migraines), and calming effects (tension headaches). In addition, the complex prevents platelet aggregation and subsequent serotonin syndrome

Synergistic action:

Tanacetum parthenium (Feverfew): This herb’s main active ingredient is parthenolide, a sesquiterpene lactone, mainly used in the prevention of migraines. The primary mode of action is centred on an inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation, preventing the major release of serotonin implicated in pathophysiological migraine onset. This action reinforces alder’s antiplatelet action and effect on circulatory migraines.

Alnus glutinosa (European alder): This bud extract is an excellent remedy for the circulatory system. It thins the blood and alleviates blood stasis. It is thus a unique remedy in the treatment of circulatory, acute, and chronic migraines. It contributes to the rebalancing of cerebral circulation, which explains its useful in cases of cerebral ischemia (see aura). Alder bud extract also has a vascular level anti-inflammatory action that helps minimise the consequences of rebound vasodilation.

Corylus avellana (Hazel): Being a global hypo-coagulant and thus frequent staple in the treatment of circulatory stasis, this extract can also play a part in the fight against migraines. Hazel remains the bud of choice in migraine treatment due to its recalibrating effect on the nervous system. All the while having a calming effect (“yin” bud recommended for times of stress), it is prescribed in cases of autonomic imbalances. In the physiopathology of migraines, disorders of the autonomic nervous system play a key role. At the emotional level, hazel bud forms a beautiful union with feverfew’s rebalancing effect.

Rosa canina (dog rose): Though this bud is primarily known for its respiratory level action, few know it for its effectiveness against allergies (asthma and headaches of allergic origin). Professor Pitéra finds it is effective against treatment-resistant migraines and headaches, which are often found to have significant allergic components.


Increases recovery time and helps prevent an attack.

Balances emotions (limbic system).

Acts on a hormonal level (menstrual or catamenial migraines) and provides a calming effect (tension headache).

Prevents platelet aggregation and consecutive hyperserotoninergia.


This complex combines plants with a “yin” profile, meaning “calming and capable of receiving”.

At the phytosociological level, hazel is part of the alder-poplar group, making it compatible with alder and dog rose, especially during phase 3. Feverfew, an Asteraceae also acts on phase 3, specifically, on the immune response described by Henry and Leunis.

Clinical experience:

Pregnant and breastfeeding women: contraindicated – parthenolide.

Children under 6 years of age.

Children with epilepsy: contraindicated.

Blood thinning effects (feverfew and alder), doctor consultation is required if already taking other blood thinners.

G27 MI-GEM COMFORT is not recommended in cases of catamenial (hormonal) migraines during menstruation due to its blood thinning effect (risk of excessive blood flow).

Gemmotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that uses buds and young shoots of trees and shrubs. Gathered in the spring at a key stage of their natural growth cycle, buds and young shoots are freshly handpicked and put in maceration in a solution of water, alcohol and glycerin to extract all their active principles.

HerbalGem’s complexes are a combination of carefully selected single bud and young shoot extracts, acting in synergy to target a specific health problem.

Ingredients | Each drop contains:

Alnus glutinosa* (European alder) (buds) (1:20)……………………. 0.0125 ml

Rosa canina* (Dog rose) (young shoots) (1:20)…………………….. 0.0125 ml

Corylus avellana* (Hazel) buds) (1:20)…………………………………..0.0125 ml

Tanacetum parthenium (Feverfew) (herb top) (1:10)……………… 0.0125 ml

Non-medicinal ingredients: alcohol*, water, glycerin*.

*Organic certification by Certisys-BE1


Adults (18 years and over): 5 -15 drops per day with or after food, pure or diluted in water, or take as directed by a health care practitioner.

For more information please consult your health care practitioner.

Caution and warnings:

Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen. Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are breastfeeding or if you are taking blood thinners.


Do not use if you are pregnant. Do not use if you are allergic to plants of the Asteraceas/Compositae/Daily family.

Known adverse reactions:

Hypersensitivity, such as an allergy, has been known to occur; in which case, discontinue use. Some people may experience sore mouth, mouth ulcers and/or gastrointestinal discomfort.