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G32 Vaccinium Myrtillus,Gemmotherapy, Macular degeneration (wet and dry)


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Key notes:

  • Supports issues of the eyes related to vision
  • Antiviral
  • Anti-septic, especially related to the urinary system
  • Improves microcirculation throughout the body

Therapeutic actions:

Vaccinium myrtillus has shown vasoprotective, antiedematous, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antihemorrhagic and astringent properties.

Supports issues of the eyes related to vision. Possible mechanisms of action for its effects on ophthalmic conditions include its ability to protect against the breakdown of rhodopsin (retinal purple), a light sensitive pigment located in the rods of the retina, and its ability to regenerate rhodopsin.

It may also provide vasoprotection by decreasing capillary fragility and permeability. The anthocyanidins also stimulate prolonged capillary resistance, and are vasoprotective, antiedematous, and vasodilative. They inhibit platelet aggregation and thrombus formation, interacting with vascular prostaglandins. It has demonstrated free radical scavenging and inhibition of cAMP phosphodiesterase actions. Use in treatment of microcirculatory disorders.

Antiseptic, especially related to the urinary system (phenolic acids) and diarrhea.

Hypoglycemic properties: Vaccinium myrtillus (Bilberry young shoots) has an important antidiabetic action by facilitating the assimilation of sugar. By its action on the liver, it improves the eyesight and in particular the capillary microcirculation. In gemmotherapy Vaccinium myrtillus is likely to be associated with many other buds.

According to Fournier the leaves decoction has hypoglycemic properties. Allen considered Vaccinium myrtillus as vegetable insulin, even active in case of removed pancreas. It also provides more important tolerance for sugary foods.


Improves microcirculation throughout the body.

Clinical indications:

Ophthalmic: Prevention and treatment of ophthalmic conditions including: macular degeneration (wet and dry), diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and cataracts, vision changes including myopia and diminished night vision.

Cardiovascular: Varicose veins, atherosclerosis, venous insufficiency, capillary weakness, hemorrhoids. Conditions of compromised microcirculation.

Digestive: Acute, non-specific diarrhea in children and adults, spasmodic colitis (secondary treatment), inflammation of the oral mucosa (mouthwash).

Uro-genital: Urinary tract infections – cystitis / nephritis (handicapped in a wheel chair) + Betula sp. (Birch).

Antiviral: Herpes virus, influenza.

Metabolic: Normalises blood sugar levels in diabetes (hypoglycemic action).

Consider in combination with:

Vaccinium vitis-idaea, for diabetic necrosis of extremities or degeneration of vascular walls

Juniperus communis, to drain the Ki and the liver, supporting all other functions in diabetics

Aesculus hippocastanum, for varicose veins and hemmorhoids, to strengthen venous tone

Sorbus domestica, circulation regulation, venous congestion, especially related to menopause, due to hormonal influence

Clinical experience:

Possibility of interactions with Warfarin and anti-platelet medications (elevated doses) that may alter the PT/PTT, consequently medical supervision is required

Vaccinium myrtillus may interfere with iron absorption in certain individuals

Hypoglycemic medications (caution required)

HerbalGem gemmo complex that contains Vaccinium myrtillus:

G12 OPT-GEM (eye complex)

Gemmotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that uses buds and young shoots of trees and shrubs. Gathered in the spring at a key stage of their natural growth cycle, buds and young shoots are freshly handpicked and put in maceration in a solution of water, alcohol and glycerin to extract all their active principles.

Ingredients | Each drop contains:

Vaccinium myrtillus* ……………………………….. 0.05 ml
(Bilberry young shoots) (extract 1:20, QCE 2.5 mg)

Non-medicinal ingredients: glycerin* (vegetal), alcohol*, purified water.

*Organic certification by Certisys-BE1


Adults and children > 12 years take 5-15 drops daily, between meals, pure or diluted in water, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.


Consult a healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen.

Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding unless directed by a healthcare practitioner.

Keep out of reach of children.

Do not use if safety seal is broken.

Keep in a cool, dry place.